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Youth Mental Health Experts to Discuss BlueSky Program During Panel Discussion This Week

With most students adhering to distance learning for the new school year because of COVID-19, the topic of youth mental health is more important than ever. This week, Blue Shield of California is hosting a virtual panel discussion on the Michelle Meow Show to talk more about our BlueSky youth mental health initiative. Among the topics:

  • Youth Mental Health in a COVID-19 world
  • Lessons learned when the BlueSky program had to pivot because of the virus
  • How youth and community resiliency is being discussed in schools
  • Solutions on how to address the growing need for more mental health specialists in school settings
  • The anticipated release of The New State of Mind crowdsourced guide on coping with stress during the pandemic.

Date/Time:  Zoom call (LIVE) Thursday, August 27, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. PST



Michelle Meow - Producer and Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" on KBCW/KPIX TV and Online Radio; Member, Commonwealth Club Board of Governors. The Commonwealth Club is the leading national forum open to all for the impartial discussion of public issues important to the membership, community and nation.

Panel Speakers with Michelle Meow

Antoinette Mayer – Senior Director of Corporate Citizenship for Blue Shield of California.

Jeremiah Aja – Assistant Director of the nonprofit Wellness Together

Jessica Cruz – Executive Director of the nonprofit NAMI CA (the National Alliance on Mental Illness of California)

Joanne Clark – Senior Director, Educational Services, San Leandro Unified School District

Genisha Metcalf - Head of Campaigns for the nonprofit