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Blue Shield of California and Stanford Medicine Reach New Agreement

This news release is also available in Spanish.

After extensive negotiations, Blue Shield of California and Stanford Medicine — including Stanford Hospital, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Tri-Valley Hospital, Stanford Medicine Partners, and Packard Children’s Health Alliance — have reached a new agreement.

Effective September 1, 2024, all Stanford Medicine providers and hospitals are in-network for Blue Shield Commercial HMO and PPO members. Stanford Hospital and Stanford Medicine Partners are out-of-network for Blue Shield’s Individual and Family Plan (IFP)/Covered California PPO and Trio HMO networks. We are pleased to announce that Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Packard Children’s Health Alliance, and Tri-Valley Hospital are in-network for these plans.

We look forward to continuing our longstanding collaboration for the benefit of our members and patients.