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New Ad Campaign: 'Hate is a Virus'

Blue Shield of California is launching an anti-hate message in response to a wave of attacks against Asians in the U.S.

Blue Shield of California is launching an ad campaign with message of ending discrimination and violence against the Asian community in the U.S.

Blair McGrain, vice president, Brand & Customer Acquisition, said the new campaign reflects the companies values amid a rise in violent incidents against the Asian community.

“As a brand, we believe in standing for what’s right,” McGrain said in a message to employees. “This means speaking out against hate and stopping the spread of this virus. In our newest television commercial, ‘Hate is a Virus’ we do just that.”

In April, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly passed bi-partisan legislation to strengthen federal efforts to address hate crimes directed at Asian-Americans. This comes amid a sharp increase in discrimination and violence against Asian communities in our country during the coronavirus pandemic.

Most recently, across social media and the internet people are referring to these crimes as a virus. Hate perpetuates hate and is impacting the health and safety of our communities across California and our nation, McGrain said.

Since relaunching the brand in 2017, we’ve used our voice to share our values and take a stand against social injustices. Today and every day, Blue Shield stands with the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities and with our own Asian Pacific Alliance Employee Resource Group. We stand for all in the fight for dignity, respect, equality, and equity.