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In the News: BlueSky's Stress-Reducing Tips Featured on Sacramento's ABC10

Aubrey Aquino spoke with Jeremiah Aja, assistant director of Wellness Together, which is affiliated with BlueSky

Aubrey Aquino TV Host of the Your California Life program on KXTV ABC 10 in Sacramento interviewed Wellness Together's Jeremiah Aja on Tuesday about the company's BlueSky initiative and our recent blog on stress-reducing back-to-school tips.  

Aja said, "structure and predictability are going to be your friends in this time...having a set routine with your child can be very helpful."

Wellness Together is a Sacramento-based nonprofit responsible for staffing the extra mental health specialists on BlueSky school campuses - and now because of COVID are conducting counseling sessions via Zoom video conferencing and telephone. 
You can read the Blue Shield News Center story about the back-to-school tips here