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BlueSky's 'New State of Mind' Campaign Generates 65,000 Tips From Youth Seeking to Lower Pandemic Stress

Watch: 15-year-old Joel Castro's video on ways teens can cope with COVID-19 related stress

Sixty-five thousand. That’s the number of stress-reducing tips that teens shared this spring as part of our BlueSky “New State of Mind” campaign, which invited teens to open up about stress in their lives, as well as crowdsource ideas for coping. In August we’ll publish the best tips in a digital guide.

Among those who participated in New State of Mind was 15-year-old Joel Castro from San Diego, who used his creative video skills to showcase how he was addressing the stress associated with COVID-19.

Check out Joel’s stress-reducing video, in its entirety, here.

Joel also created a Spanish version, here.

Blue Shield of California partnered with DoSomething.Org - the largest organization for young people and social change – to create the New State of Mind campaign this spring. It’s all part of BlueSky, our multi-year initiative to support youth resiliency across the state.

The original New State of Mind goal was to reach to 20,000 tips by the end of June. Because the campaign launched when the coronavirus pandemic was emerging in the United States, it garnered higher-than-expected engagement, eclipsing the 20,000 tips goal – on its way to 65,000 - within three weeks.

For more on our BlueSky initiative, click here.