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Paul Markovich's Statement on Gov. Gavin Newsom's Proposed Budget

Gov. Newsom is proposing a state-run generic drug label among multiple proposals to lower the cost of health care for Californians

As a nonprofit health plan, Blue Shield of California wholeheartedly support's Gov. Gavin Newsom's efforts to make health care more affordable. We believe we can achieve these goals by bringing health care into the digital age and establishing a regulatory system that holds the health care industry accountable across the entire delivery system. Millions of Californians find it difficult to afford the health care they need, even if they have insurance. There is no reason why health insurance premiums, the cost of a doctor’s appointment, a stay in the hospital or a prescription drug should continue to go up every year at rates much higher than the annual rate of inflation. Our vision is to create a healthcare system that is worthy of our family and friends and sustainably affordable, and we look forward to working with policy makers and Governor Newsom to ensure the long-term affordability of health care throughout the state.