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Video: How the Health Advocate Program Gave Jose Herrera and His Family A Better Life

Despite the health issues, Jose Herrera continues to fight every day to live with pulmonary fibrosis, a serious disease, but research advancements are being made all the time that allow people to live longer and have a better quality of life.

Jose and his wife Susana have a renewed sense of well-being and were able to breathe easier thanks to the new Health Advocate Program available to them in Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan clinics in Palmdale and Lancaster.

Blue Shield Promise is committed to improve members’ health by offering health advocates. These professionals provide personalized, in-home, high-touch care, integrated with innovative technology and collaborative community partners.

The health advocates are a new extension of our social services department. The program is aimed at preventive measures to help manage member health and identify risks. Our Health Advocates program is designed to:

  • Act as liaisons with local community and healthcare stakeholders
  • Coordinate quality healthcare and community resources for our members
  • Reduce social challenges and barriers to achieving health outcomes
  • Increase service and care coordination
  • Improve quality of life
  • Encourage suitable use of health care and community resources
  • Ensure patients remain living in the community setting of their choice

The program is part of Blue Shield of California’s Health Care Model of the Future initiative.