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David Bond of Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan To Talk With Vator News

David Bond will take part in a panel discussion with Vator News. Among the topics:

  • How has COVID-19 impacted your business?
  • What are the stress points patients are feeling now?
  • What new technologies have been advanced in light of COVID-19?
  • How do you see telehealth for behavior accelerating?
  • What are some new innovations beyond telehealth are you implementing for mental/behavioral?


  • Zoom call  (LIVE) for Wednesday, May 6, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. PST.


  • Bambi Francisco, CEO, founder of Vator, one of the largest social networks dedicated to high tech entrepreneurs and investors. Vator News provides news, analysis and editorial content about entrepreneurship and innovation. 
  • Dr. Archana Dubay,  global medical director at HP (formerly Hewlett Packard)

Panel Speakers with David Bond : 

  • David Bond
  • Brian Garrett – cofounded and managing director. Cross Cut Ventures
  • Dr. Nina Vasan - chair of Innovation, American Psychiatry Association

Listen here: