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Blue Shield Employee Eleanor Kelley’s Story: Surviving Breast Cancer

“This is for the woman who chooses to get her mammogram early and it saves her life.”

by Eleanor Kelley, health plan member and senior executive assistant for Communications and Corporate Citizenship, Blue Shield of California  

This news story is also available in Spanish.

I am one of the more than 300,000 people predicted to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2024. I’m telling my story to make a difference, even if it may help just one person’s life. 

For many, the fear of a mammogram or breast cancer diagnosis can lead to a delay in scheduling their mammogram or doing their recommended self-exam in the first place. Early detection is key, and the earlier you find breast cancer, the better. Even though you don’t want the diagnosis, the disease can still be there. Be brave — I encourage people to face these fears. 

If you do receive a diagnosis, fear is a normal part of a breast cancer journey. I was scared and mad, but also hopeful, because I found the lump myself and knew I found it early. Still, I describe the last seven months as being on "autopilot." I dealt with my diagnosis like I was going to the store for paper towels, which my dear friend reminds me of often. 

In addition to treating my cancer, eventually I had to begin processing: I HAVE CANCER. No one can prepare you for the emotional struggles that come with this disease. The side effects of cancer treatments that can help you live a longer life, ultimately brought me to my knees.  

But I am a survivor. I found the breast cancer early thanks to a self-exam and mammogram. I jumped right into treatment, which is still ongoing. I take every day as a new opportunity, living for the moment and living for the bright lights in my life. I surround myself with like-minded and positive people, along with a great therapist. I am working through the journey I have gone on and will continue to do so. 

Even though my diagnosis and treatment (and continued treatments) have been the hardest moments of my life — I do it for the woman who chooses to get her mammogram early and it saves her life.

This is your reminder, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and all year: Schedule your mammogram and stay on top of breast cancer screenings and appointments.
