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Blue Shield of California Recognizes the State of California’s Landmark Data Sharing Agreement Taking Effect

This statewide reform will change the future of health care in California.

OAKLAND, Calif. (January 31, 2024) — California is one step closer to bringing health care into the digital age. Starting today, the state of California is requiring providers, health plans and others in the care delivery system to share clinical information in real time.

This is a crucial step in creating a reality where every Californian can walk into a doctor’s office, pharmacy, social services agency or an emergency room and be assured people who care for them can access the information they need to provide safe, effective, whole person care.

To fully realize this vision, every hospital, health plan and provider should sign the state’s Data Sharing Agreement and be part of the new reality where consumers' data is no longer siloed and controlled by systems and instead is used to power personalized, quality care for every Californian.

For more on California's Data Sharing Agreement, visit the Center for Data Insights and Innovation at