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In the News: Treating the Whole Person with Wellvolution

Blue Shield of California Senior Director of Lifestyle Medicine, Angie Kalousek-Ebrahimi sat down with Bright Spots in Healthcare to discuss Wellvolution’s innovative whole person approach to care.

Ahead of Lifestyle Medicine Week (May 21-May 26), Blue Shield of California Senior Director of Lifestyle Medicine, Angie Kalousek-Ebrahimi, was recently featured on the Bright Spots in Heathcare podcast, alongside other industry leaders, to discuss Wellvolution as a whole person model for high-cost conditions.

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Angie Kalousek-Ebrahimi

In the episode, Angie outlines why Blue Shield invested in Wellvolution, as well as the strategies used to launch the program, which debuted nearly four years ago.

Here is an excerpt from the episode:

“With whole person care, we really want to understand how an individual is living their lifestyle – it all comes down to lifestyle choices. We adopted this idea of lifestyle medicine, the concept that lifestyle has the power to not only prevent but treat and reverse conditions. So, we crafted a suite of clinically vetted programs, Wellvolution... We know we can reach people through this platform and help them.”

You can listen to the podcast here.

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