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In the News: It's Never Too Late to Make a Resolution

Behavioral Health Director Dr. Nicole Stelter shares her tips on how to maintain those resolutions, and how to recommit when we ultimately falter.
Nicole Stelter_crop
Nicole Stelter

Blue Shield of California Director of Behavioral Health Dr. Nicole Stelter was recently interviewed by two California radio stations about the psychology behind making New Year Resolutions, and tips on how to keep them going throughout 2023.

The advice is a follow-up to Dr. Stelter’s recent blog post on the subject, titled Three Tips for Maintaining Your Resolutions All Year Long.

Here’s an excerpt from her recent interview with Jennifer Jones Lee, host of Wake Up Call on KFI Radio in Los Angeles:

“Sometimes the goals we are setting …. we need to kind of make them realistic. Do you have 30 minutes every day, five days a week in a row?  Sometimes that works. Sometimes you have to take something off of your plate if you’re going add something on, especially if we’re talking about finding more time on our calendars. Making it more realistic makes it more likely to succeed.”

Listen to Dr. Stelter’s entire interview with Jennifer Jones Lee here

Dr. Stelter also talked about resolution tips with Kitty O’Neal, news anchor on KFBK Radio in Sacramento. You can hear that conversation here