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Put your health first during California’s heat wave

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy and conserve energy

With temperatures in California running 10 to 20 degrees hotter than normal, extreme heat can present health challenges and put the electricity grid under great pressure. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy and conserve energy:

Stay cool during the highest temperatures of the day

  • Drink a lot of water and fluids to help your body cool down and replenish what you’ve lost through sweat. 
  • Avoid strenuous activity during the highest temperatures. Sweating removes salt and minerals that your body needs.
  • Check on your family and friends. If you know someone vulnerable to the extreme heat, check in on them and keep an eye out for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. You can learn more about the symptoms of heat-related illness and be prepared.
  • Go to a cooling center if you need to cool off. You can find cooling centers in your area here.

Conserve energy to reduce pressure on the power grid

  • Pre-cool your house by running the air conditioning in the morning and keep doors, windows, and blinds closed.
  • From 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., turn your thermostats to 78 degrees or higher and avoid using appliances.

You can find more resources for staying safe during extreme heat waves on the State of California’s website