“The pandemic thrust to the forefront the need to drive digital transformation in health care,” said Lisa Davis, senior vice president and CIO at Blue Shield of California. A recipient of the Forbes CIO Next List: 2022 award, Davis recently filmed an interview with Diane Brady, assistant managing editor at Forbes Magazine.

“Consumers are demanding retail-like experiences, and asking, ‘How do I maintain my privacy, take control of my data, share it with whom I want within my circle of providers, and be part of that decision-making process,’” said Davis.
During the interview, Davis also discussed how data sharing, data interoperability, and the use of digital tools and technology are not only expected by consumers but are also necessary to transform the system from a “sick care” system into a “well care” system.
“We know that when people have access to their health data and are part of the decision-making process with their providers and their health insurer, we actually see better health outcomes and we can ultimately reduce the cost of health care,” said Davis.
Looking forward, Davis sees great promise for the role that technology can play in health care.
“We’re using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technologies just starting to come into health care. There is also so much opportunity and potential for what we can do with robotics, virtual reality, augmented reality, and quantum computing.”
“It’s exciting to be in technology and health care today, where we can have an impact on what I think is one of the most important sectors.”
View the ten-minute video on Forbes.com.