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In the News: Youth Mental Health Event Supported by BlueSky and NAMI On Campus


The NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) On Campus Club at Villa Park High School in Orange County hosted a “Positivity Tote Bag” painting party March 19 to raise mental health awareness. Students donated the colorful bags with uplifting messages to the LGBTQ Center Orange County’s food pantry. 

During the last two years, Blue Shield of California’s youth mental health initiative, BlueSky, and NAMI California have collaborated to double the number of On Campus high school clubs throughout the state. 

News media coverage of the event included:


“Our goal is to stop the stigma of mental health among the youth,” shared Mashi Nyssen of Blue Shield of California. Christina Diep’s challenge began in the ninth grade, which took a deep toll on her. “As an Asian-American with parents who are immigrants, it was really hard for me to come to them….” Fellow NAMI Club members gave her the confidence to confide in an adult, who then helped her navigate a conversation with her parents.

Watch the full story here.

From KNX-FM Heroes of the Week:

NAMI on Campus Club Rush photo

This incredible group of high school students in Orange County are promoting inclusiveness, while addressing mental health. They are led by Club President Christina Diep, and their latest outreach project is shining some love on the LGBTQ community. “We spoke to our volunteers about how this would help the LGBTQ community and how this would bring a smile to their face letting them know that they are loved. We are always looking forward to finding ways to make out community better and to help our community grow.”

Listen to the full story here.

From the Orange County Register:

The colorful totes the teens were painting for this event will later be given to be used by the LGBTQ Center Orange County’s food pantry. The project was sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI, and Blue Shield of California; there are more than 80 high school NAMI clubs in the state.

Read the full story here (subscription required).

For more on Blue Shield of California’s youth mental health initiative, BlueSky, click here.