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Blue Shield of California Ranks No. 1 as Individual Medicare Supplement Plan Carrier in Market Share for 2021

Blue Shield of California took the top position in market share for individual Medicare Supplement plans in California in 2021, according to state data.

Blue Shield Medicare Supplement plans cover copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other expenses not covered by Medicare. Some plans also include extra benefits to support our senior members’ health and well-being. 

In the past three years, Blue Shield’s Medicare Supplement Plan G, Plan F Extra, Plan G Extra, and Plan G Inspire have provided coverage for new Medicare beneficiaries. As an example, Blue Shield teamed up with AAA to offer Plan G Inspire in select Northern California counties that  includes a AAA Classic Membership with roadside assistance and tools to help keep members safer and more independent.1

“Our approach to bringing important products and services to our Medicare Supplement plan members is our top priority for members so they can lead vibrant and independent lives,” said Lina Saadzoi, vice president of Medicare for Blue Shield. “We continue to work closely with our brokers to provide the best value products possible for our members.”

1 One-year new or renewal Classic AAA Membership is included in Plan G Inspire, annually upon enrollment, valued at $59/year in 2022. The value of the Classic AAA Membership is subject to change. AAA Membership provided by AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah. AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah is independent of Blue Shield of California. 

©2022 AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah. All rights reserved.  

Source: Market share data is provided annually by Mark Farrah Associates, a data aggregator and publisher.