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In the News: Blue Shield's Support of Diversity Among Mental Health Providers

Several news outlets, including ABC30 TV in Fresno and KCBS Radio in San Francisco, profiled Blue Shield of California's recent investment in Health Career Connection, a nonprofit committed to increasing diversity in the mental health workforce.


Blue Shield’s $500,000 investment will help train and equip 36 interns in hopes they become the next generation of diverse mental and behavioral health professionals in the Golden State.

This commitment is part of Blue Shield’s BlueSky initiative, a multi-year effort to enhance access, awareness, and advocacy for youth mental health supports. As part of that goal, BlueSky is creating more career pathways for diverse mental and behavioral health professionals, who can provide culturally affirming services for members of the BIPOC community (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color).

Check out the various news coverage on the topic below. 

For more on the Blue Shield of California’s youth mental health initiative, BlueSky, please click here.