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Paul Markovich's Statement on Recent Ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on the ACA

Last week’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a significant step toward ensuring universal coverage for all. The Court’s 7-2 decision means the 31 million people currently covered under the ACA will continue to have access to the care they need and deserve. With this legal challenge behind us, I am thrilled we can focus on the future and move forward together. Now, Congress should act to permanently extend the ACA subsidies that make health coverage more affordable for millions of Americans. 

At Blue Shield of California, we strongly believe in everyone’s right to high-quality, affordable care. The COVID-19 pandemic made this need even more urgent, as we all witnessed first-hand. We have been a vocal supporter and fierce advocate of the ACA since its inception, and we will continue to support health care policies that align with our vision of creating a healthcare system that is worthy of our family and friends and sustainably affordable for everyone.

Paul Markovich is president and chief executive of Blue Shield of California.