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New State Program Supports Workplace COVID-19 Vaccinations

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is making it easier for employers to offer COVID-19 vaccinations to their workers via a workplace clinic or vaccination event. The Employer Vaccination Toolkit creates a simple process for employers to request approval for a clinic or to set up group appointments with a local, state-approved provider.

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The new Toolkit is one more way – along with California’s statewide vaccine provider network managed by third-party administrator Blue Shield of California – that the state is making vaccines accessible to all Californians, including workers who may find it hard to fit vaccination appointment into their daily schedule. 

“This latest state effort helps meet the needs of employers who want to ensure they provide a healthy, vaccinated workplace for employees and customers,” said Don Antonucci, Blue Shield of California’s senior vice president of Growth. “It’s another important step in overcoming this pandemic, bringing normalcy to businesses and reopening our society.”

The Toolkit lets employers complete a simple request form online, after which a state representative will follow up within three business days. If approval is granted, the employer will get a list of approved local providers with which to arrange vaccinations.

The Toolkit also includes some important educational information for employers about the vaccines as well as the state’s COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave for certain employees.

More information about California’s COVID-19 vaccination program is available at