Blue Shield of California used data analytics to ensure its members were able to get the COVID-19 vaccine. In an interview with Forbes, Jamie Chan, vice president for clinical quality, explained how it tapped Cogitativo, an analytics platform, aided the effort.

At Blue Shield of California, which is working with the State of California on its vaccination program, the company leveraged its partner analytics platform, Cogitativo, to help with vaccination-related outreach to members. Using the platform’s database to sift through available member data and employer codes, Blue Shield of California was able to send emails and push notifications through its member portal. This alerted members who might be eligible for the vaccine according to the tiering system that the state government implemented.
And their efforts worked. “While communication was sent out via direct mail and email, the open rates for high-risk members were the highest engagement among all member communications in the past year,” said Jamie Chan, vice president for clinical quality at Blue Shield of California.
Beyond using demographics, claims history, and engagement data from its general membership, Blue Shield of California also used claims data to build a comprehensive profile of an individual’s clinical risk, COVID exposure, and risk of adverse outcomes. Additionally, “Member engagement data has been used to assess our communication plans and to identify the optimal modalities to reach our diverse populations,” said Chan.
The organization also applied an added layer of employer codes to help identify frontline workers, and supplemented internal data with community-level census data and social determinants of health (SDoH) data. As Chan noted, “This has allowed us to further extend the depth of our member profile and measure disparities in access, outcomes, and along multiple dimensions including race/ethnicity, income, transportation barriers and social support.”
Read the full story here.