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In the News: Lisa Davis Shares Her Thoughts on Health Care on International Women's Day

Lisa Davis, senior vice president and chief information officer at Blue Shield of California was one of 29 women executives to share their thoughts on health care with Becker's Hospital Review in a story published March 8 in honor of International Women's Day.

This is the time for authentic leadership — to really get to know our people and what their unique struggles are during this pandemic. As leaders, we simply can't afford to lose more women from the workforce who need to prioritize their responsibilities to their families. If we have open conversations to understand what is happening, we can help women in our organizations and offer flexibility so they don't have to abandon their careers. And personally, I know that while we can do as much as we can professionally to pull women forward, it all starts at home. We need more partners to step up to support us in our careers. 

Read the full story here.