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In the News: Forbes Highlights Wellvolution and Digital Therapeutics

Wellvolution is part of Blue Shield of California's Health Reimagined initiative which seeks to transform health care via innovation and technology

Digital therapeutics and Wellvolution were featured in an expansive Aug. 26 story published by Wellvolution is part of Blue Shield of California's Health Reimagined initiative which seeks to transform health care via innovation and technology. Forbes' Seth Joseph writes:

Blue Shield of California is a commercial payer that has long been known to lean into digital innovation, and is now seeing the value of DTx via its Wellvolution program. Part of the larger Health Reimagined initiative, Wellvolution is the insurer’s “lifestyle medicine” program that contains a suite of solutions, many of which are digital, that promote well-being and address chronic conditions. 

Working through its platform partner Solera, Blue Shield of California provides eligible members free access to dozens of well-known vendors, many of which are high-acuity, FDA-cleared digital therapeutics that, as the insurer reported, have actually reversed chronic conditions. 

Bryce Williams, Blue Shield of California Mind Body Medicine Vice President, leads the Wellvolution program. He understands that digital therapeutics are a key part of breaking the status quo in preventing and treating chronic conditions. 

“We’ve been trying to turn over an industry that’s needed turning over for around two decades,” said Williams. “We want to give members more self-empowerment and ownership over their journey, whether that’s physical or mental health, by providing a choice of tools that best resonate with them.”

Read the full story here.