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How Lifestyles — and Eating Habits — Changed For These Employees Who Tried Wellvolution's New Digital Therapeutics Platform

Blue Shield of California has recreated Wellvolution as a whole-health platform that provides its members guided, on-demand access to a tailored network of clinically proven apps to help prevent, treat and even reverse diseases. The program is available at no cost to members enrolled in Blue Shield’s fully insured employer-sponsored plans or its Individual and Family Plans.

Earlier this year, Blue Shield employees were given the chance to try out the new Wellvolution digital lifestyle medicine and health platform, and many are seeing positive results in just a few weeks.

Here’s a snapshot of how Wellvolution’s new tailored, results-based digital program changed the attitudes and health of three of those employees.

Kim Stotler, Rancho Cordova

Kim Stotler 02_201906251635
  • Goal: 10%+  weight loss
  • Signed up for Wellvolution: May 13, 2019
  • Matched App: Betr Health

I’ve tried many diets and eating programs in the past, but nothing really worked well for me. I heard about the employee pilot for the new Wellvolution platform and knew it was time for me to try something again.

This time, it all fell into place. The program has changed every aspect of my life and I’m so grateful Blue Shield has offered us this program, at no cost! This is the first time in a long time that I’ve felt really good.

Betr Health delivers a totally different perspective than anything I’ve experienced before. It has a scientific, disciplined approach to eating and the specific foods I should eat over a prescribed timeline. I have a personal coach who keeps me focused on my customized eating plan through e-chats, and I participate in weekly group web calls with Dr. William Ferro, who founded Betr Health. It’s amazing to be able to ask him questions and get answers about my specific situation. There’s a strong sense of community on these calls that I love.

I’ve now moved from the Level 1 part of the app program to Level 2 and am incorporating what I’ve learned. So far, I’ve lost 19 pounds!

Trina Zapata, Rancho Cordova

  • Goal: Lose 25 pounds
  • Signed up for Wellvolution: April 29, 2019
  • Matched App: Yes Health

Getting a variety of tools to help me achieve my weight-loss goal is what appealed to me about the Yes Health app on the new Wellvolution platform. I’ve been a yo-yo dieter for years, but when I saw this opportunity for joining the free employee pilot, I  jumped on it, since it seemed different than anything I’d tried before.

Not only did I like getting a digital food scale and a Fitbit, but also the constant tracking that occurred. I really enjoy the sense of community this app provides.  Having  daily e-chats with a  personal coach and the ability to send photos of my meals and get input on how to improve their health and nutritional value are great. Plus, the food codes my coach sent – green, yellow, red – about the foods I was cooking really taught me fast how to eat better. Those colors have held me accountable. I didn’t want any reds, ever!

I’m grateful I work for a company that’s got my back and encourages healthy behaviors. This program has helped me set a good example for my children about the importance of eating good, nutritional foods.

Hailey Hargis, Redding

  • Goal: Lose 45 pounds

  • Signed up for Wellvolution: May 13, 2019

  • Matched App: Betr Health

I’ve found great success with the new Wellvolution platform and the Betr Health app because it matches to me personally. It is the right fit.

Hailey Hargas 01

I really like the program’s approach to eating specific foods that work for my body, and the customized support I get. I have e-chats with my personal coach, and the weekly group web calls with the founder of the company have been amazing. Plus,  I am held personally accountable for achieving my goals. That’s a real motivation.

I’d been feeling sluggish, not sleeping well, having heartburn and feeling irritable before I signed up for this app. I learned that the kinds of foods I was eating caused inflammation in my system and were affecting my gut health. That changed fast once I started with the app. Now I am sleeping well, have much more energy and feel happier. And, I’ve already lost 16 pounds!

The recipes I get for the foods I eat have made a real difference to me. In the past, whenever I tried to lose weight, I would just eat the same thing every single day for months at a time, since that seemed to work. But believe me, months of eating spaghetti squash for lunch over and over is boring, and dispiriting.

For the first time ever, I recently ran in a 3k race. I’m not a runner, but this Wellvolution experience has encouraged me to overcome some of my fears, and I’m signing up for another race soon!