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Sacramento Bee: 'Trouble finding a doctor? New digital portal aims to make it easier in California'

The Sacramento Bee covered an announcement made Tuesday by the Integrated Healthcare Association about the launch of the Symphony Provider Directory, a centralized online platform for providers and plans to update what plans providers accept.

IHA says the new directory "enables health plans to maintain more up-to-date and accurate information such as provider demographics, panel status and health plan product and network details in their consumer-facing directories so that consumers can make informed decisions about their coverage and care."

From the story:

The Integrated Healthcare Association announced the debut of its Symphony Provider Directory, which will allow health care practitioners to access a dashboard where they can update all their information and submit it to all insurers at one time. Insurers, on the other hand, will be able to easily import those updates for all their system providers.

The online system was developed with a $50 million payment from Blue Shield of California, funds that the insurer said it would provide as part of an agreement it negotiated with the California Department of Managed Health Care to be able to acquire Care1st Health Plan.