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Blue Shield Joins 10 California Health Organizations in Response to Texas Ruling

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Media Statement December 18, 2018

If one can take a moment to make their way through the partisanship, the politics, and the perceptions (right or wrong), the Affordable Care Act is really about just one thing: people.
It’s about making sure that working moms have a place to go when their 2-year-old’s fever spikes at 3 a.m. It’s about making sure an unemployed college grad doesn’t lose coverage while she’s searching for her first job. It’s about making sure a young dad with a cancer diagnosis won’t be denied health coverage because of his illness.
Put simply, the ACA is about giving California’s families the health security every single one of us needs to live fruitful, productive lives as part of the fabric of this great state.
Last week’s court ruling in Texas puts all of this in jeopardy. Although enrollment will still proceed and people’s coverage is unaffected as the court fight moves to another level, the decision strikes at the heart of everything the ACA has accomplished in California, and casts a shadow of fear over the lives of real people.
Here’s what the ACA has meant to California:

  •  An additional 5.1 million people who now have access to doctors, hospitals, medicine and other services; this includes 3.7 million low-income individuals for whom health care had previously been out-of-reach
  •  Coverage for hundreds of thousands of people who had previously been excluded due to a pre-existing condition
  •  An expansion of health care services, including preventive screenings, to underserved communities.

In other words, for millions of Californians, the Affordable Care Act has literally been a lifeline. That’s why we stand, unified, in opposition to the Texas ruling, and with full-throated support for the work ahead to ensure that all Californians receive the care they need and deserve.

Charles Bacchi
President & CEO, California Association of Health Plans

Carmela Castellano-Garcia, Esq.
President & CEO, California Primary Care Association

Dustin Corcoran, MBA
CEO, California Medical Association

Carmela Coyle
President & CEO, California Hospital Association

Sarah de Guia JD

Executive Director, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network

Peter DuBois, JD
Executive Director, California Dental Association

Denise Duncan, RN
President, United Nurses Associations of California/ Union of Health Care Professionals

Paul Markovich
President & CEO, Blue Shield of California

Crystal Strait
CEO, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California

Paul Tepper
Executive Director, Western Center on Law & Poverty

Anthony Wright
Executive Director, Health Access California