The Blue Shield of California Foundation is backing a group that aims to "understand how philanthropy can help to reverse inequity in the state," according to a new report in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.
The report, "Power, Privilege, and Effectiveness: Are Funders Connecting the Dots?" cites Northern California Grantmakers, a group of foundations, institutions and philanthropy organizations that share information and resources with each other to better eliminate inequality through their programs.
Blue Shield of California Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization, funded entirely by Blue Shield of California, with the mission of building "lasting and equitable solutions that make California the healthiest state and end domestic violence."
According to the Stanford report:
One issue related to power and privilege NCG has identified is the American myth of meritocracy, which reinforces the belief that those with wealth attained it based on merit, but fails to take into account how race, gender, social status, and pre-existing wealth influence access to opportunity. As one community advocate put it, “I'm tired of the story we tell that hard work leads to success, because that allows those of us who ‘make it’ to believe we deserve it and those who ‘don't make it’ [to believe they] don't deserve it.” In fact, psychology research has found that the meritocracy myth is harmful to many people, including kids of color. Exposing and dismantling this myth and acknowledging the role of privilege in inequity are essential steps toward closing the gap.