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Cal INDEX merger to create California’s largest health information exchange

BY PAUL MARKOVICH – California Integrated Data Exchange (Cal INDEX) announced today that it will merge with the Inland Empire Health Information Exchange (IEHIE) to create California’s largest health information exchange, with more than 16 million patient records and 150 participating providers.

In 2014, Blue Shield of California partnered with Anthem to launch Cal INDEX with the goal of improving the quality of care and member experience by creating one source of integrated patient information. This merger advances that goal as it combines the scale of IEHIE, the second largest health information exchange in our state, with the payer commitment and data of Cal INDEX.

The scale of this merger provides more traction in creating a comprehensive digital patient record. And, from Blue Shield’s perspective, will help our Accountable Care Organizations give patients and physicians the access and tools they need for an improved experience.

Cal Index and IEHIE also announced that it has attracted veteran healthcare technology executive Claudia Williams to be its CEO, effective Feb. 1, 2017. She most recently served as senior advisor for Health Innovation and Technology in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

This move will help bring health care in California further into the digital age. Blue Shield looks forward to supporting the growth and success of the new health information exchange.

Paul Markovich is president and CEO at Blue Shield of California