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Celebrate Employees on Labor Day

BY MARY O’HARA – For some, Labor Day is simply a three-day weekend that signals the end of summer, the last chance for a backyard BBQ or trip to the beach before the days get shorter and cold weather begins to set in. While we should all enjoy the long weekend, we should also remember to celebrate the dedicated workforce that continues to move this nation forward.

I want to take this moment to specifically thank the 5,800 Blue Shield of California employees for their hard work towards our mission of ensuring access to high-quality healthcare at an affordable price.

Blue Shield has been a long-time supporter of healthcare reform, and we’re proud to play an important role in implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It hasn’t been easy, though. Since the ACA was announced, there have been significant changes to the marketplace and Blue Shield employees have worked diligently to make the transition as seamless as possible by creating innovative products and educating members, customers, providers and consumers.

Mary O'Hara is chief human resource officer and senior vice president at Blue Shield of California.