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Blue Shield of California Supports Domestic Violence Programs Across the State

BY NADINE JAMES-WARD - In the United States, more than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced violence from intimate partners, according to a survey from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Though it’s an issue most people are not comfortable discussing out in the open, domestic violence is much more than a private issue; it affects the entire community.

In addition to physical injury, domestic violence can lead to depression, sleep disorders, anxiety and post-traumatic stress – all health concerns that require the support of our healthcare system. Additionally, children who witness domestic violence have a higher risk of substance abuse, lung disease, heart disease and obesity, as well as a variety of other chronic conditions as adults.

As a health plan, Blue Shield of California believes that it is our responsibility not only to ensure that individuals can access quality healthcare when they need it, but also to look at the factors that bring them to shelters and health centers in the first place.

To address domestic violence and its impact on our communities, Blue Shield of California – in partnership with our Foundation – launched the “Blue Shield Against Violence” campaign. The effort raises awareness of an issue that has become a health crisis of epidemic proportions and raises funds and in-kind donations for local domestic violence non-profits. For the entire month of August, Blue Shield will provide a 2-to-1 match for all employee donations to domestic violence focused 501(c)(3) non-profits in California.

Blue Shield’s commitment to ending domestic violence is long-standing. Our Foundation is the state’s largest private funder of domestic violence services and prevention, and since 2003, has provided funding for every single shelter in California.

In June, we partnered with CBS for its two-week “You Deserve to Be Safe” campaign, aimed at raising awareness and funds for domestic violence programs in the Bay Area.

For more information about Blue Shield Against Violence, click here.

Nadine James-Ward is manager of corporate social responsibility at Blue Shield of California.