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Blue Shield of California EmPAC Suspends Funding

Blue Shield of California’s employee-led, political action committee will suspend all contributions to federal lawmakers who voted against certifying the federal elections results last week.

“The attack on our national capitol was a result of false and misleading claims about our free and fair election. It requires all of us to consider what we will do to heal our national fabric that has been deeply torn,” said Gary Cohen, Blue Shield’s vice president of government affairs and chair of the committee. “The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association recently announced that it is suspending political contributions to members who voted against certifying the lawful results of the Presidential election. As an independent but affiliated employee-funded, non-partisan political action committee, we agree with this action and are also suspending contributions to these lawmakers.”

Cohen added: “Blue Shield of California has an organizational commitment to ‘Stand For What’s Right.’ We expect the same commitment from our elected officials and believe it is imperative we stand together at this moment for the shared values of our democracy.”

Cohen said the committee will continue to review its contributions and will provide bi-partisan support to elected officials and candidates who are willing to debate and disagree based on our shared values and a focus on facts instead of false claims.